Just Because It's Easy to Believe, Doesn't Mean It's True

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In this episode:

"Just because it's easy to believe, doesn't mean it's true," is a refrain I used to remind myself of constantly.

When we struggle with feelings like fear of failure or doubting our own worth, they can become so strong that they seem like reality, not just emotional responses.

In order to fight through these limiting beliefs, I challenged myself to remember that "just because it's easy to believe, doesn't mean it's true."

Eventually, I was able to dismiss those negative thoughts quite quickly. I share that journey in today's episode!

I hope that while you listen in, you will challenge yourself to audit the thoughts you are allowing to turn into beliefs.

I know it's much holder to control your thoughts than it is to let them control you. But you owe it to yourself to do the work.

**If you would like help gaining clarity about your goals and career, I'd love to help. I'm currently accepting applicants to my Career Foresight Coaching Program (1-on-1 career coaching). If you are interested in learning more, please check out more information here.